The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Over the past week President Bush has taken the offensive to counter critics in the media and Democrats concerning Iraq and the overall War on Terror. His campaign is working. In October, according to polls, (which I realize are biased, especially when taking into account the stupid way that many poll questions are phrased), only 39% of Americans believed that we would achieve victory. As of December first those same polls show the percentage up to 48%. Considering the pollsters haven't changed and their form of questioning I'm sure has remained the same, this is a significant increase. One of the many things that President Reagan was extremely successful with was his use of the , "bully pulpit," and his connection to the American people. This has been one characteristic that President Bush has been lacking, especially in reference to the war. Whenever he has spoken directly to the people, confidence in the war our troops and the accomplishments that have taken place has risen and reversed the downward trend that appears from the constant barrage of negativism and defeatism from the liberals and their counter parts in the left wing media. The President needs to do much of the same PR campaign concerning the robust economy. Many Americans feel that the economy is struggling when just the opposite is true. We are experiencing one of the strongest and fastest growing economies in the last fifty years. Yet to hear the left and the media the economy is on the verge of tanking!

Despite problems that are normal and expected during ANY war situtation, overall Iraq and Afghanistan and the world wide hunt for terrorist is going extremely well. As long as the President continues to converse with the nation and not allow the left and the media wing of the Democrat Party to dominate headlines and ONLY report the body count and nothing else, then their lies and false claims will not drive American opinion concerning the marverlous job our men and women in uniform perform everyday to continually insure our freedom and security!

Ken Taylot


Blogger Mark said...

That infantile Bruiser character left the exact same comment over at my place. I deleted it and then enabled comment moderation again. I also told him he is no longer welcome over at my place.

He obviously has mis-understood reports about Liberals to think they are talking about Republicans.

He is a moron.

11:01 PM, December 03, 2005  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

To Bruiser,
The only idictment that I see in your comment is that of your own mis-information campaign and your proving that your left wing agenda consists of nothing more that hatred for Bush and following liberal talking points instead of using your own mind, (if that is posible) and doing your own investigation to form an opinion that actually makes scense and has even the slightest basis in truth. As to the article that you made a lame attempt to comment about, numerous legitamate sources agree that the media IS biased against the war and the President. Use some backbone and stop following the liberal crowd and form your own thoughts and create your own blog to state your opinions and stop using mine and many others as your forum. Blogs are free, (which should be a pleasing thought to your liberal mind), so start your own and THEN we can have an intelligent exchange at YOUR site!

Ken Taylor

8:45 AM, December 04, 2005  

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