The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Twas just days before Christmas and all through the land, liberals were celebrating the election of their man.

His name was Barack the libs favorite son, they just worshipped this guy and called him, "the one."

He hailed from Hawaii or Kenya or both, the left didn't care they just gave him their vote.

With change as his motto and no substance at all, this guy came from nowhere and they gave him the ball.

Now he has signs which say, "I'm Prez -Elect," he's picking and choosing from rivals to select,

those that work with him as he takes up the reigns, of an office in DC which can be a strain.

Nancy and Harry are up on the Hill, chuckling and dancing, which gives me a chill.

"We've got full control and we think it just swell, though the people who come here surely do smell."

"We'll push through our socialist plan every day, with our messiah, Barack leading the way !"

But wait just a minute, "the one," changed his plan, he's picking some people who differently stand.

He says to Bob Gates, " I want you to stay, since defense in now working we'll keep it that way."

The left is now fuming and feeling betrayed, but don't worry guys you'll still get your way.

You see he's got Hillary and Joe, Eric and Bill, they think as he does from the left with a shrill.

Don't forget Bubba with his wife now at State, he'll find blonds and brunettes to add to his slate.

Barack's in Chicago meeting the press, with his wife named Michelle finding an Inaugural dress.

He stands at his mike with a sign he made up, just telling his minions, "I'll give you a full cup."

"Filled with programs and goodies and government deals, paid for by those with more earnings, those heals !"

"I've got bailouts and credits and loads of green cash, whose mortgage is paid for by those we will tax."

"I'll talk to Iran, Hugo and Castro, we'll sit at a table they'll call me their Bro."

"The UN will be the foreign policy guide, and terrorist need no longer to hide."

"The courts will take over not guns, men and tanks, the troops will come home and give ME their thanks."

"Their mission will be left not finished and undone, but I'll still claim victory and tell you, I'VE won."

"The troops will complain about their relief, but who gives a rip I'm Commander in Chief !"

Barack will soon to Washington go, with plans and agendas taking him to an fro.

They'll dance and they'll sing on inauguration day, but surely our history might show him the way.

When he sees each great icon of George, Abraham and Tom, standing in awe in Washington town.

I pray that the influence these giants created, will give him a pause and he'll see he's overrated.

The greatness of men who have led us through time, may hopefully give Barack the wisdom of mind,

to see that our freedoms came not from the Gov, but from a an idea whose framing was made through strong love.

For a country where everyone achieves and believes, in making our way in this land of the free.

If this happens when Barack takes command, then maybe we'll have bright hope in our land.

If not then the struggle in keeping us free, will reside in the power of you and of me.

In making this guy who thinks Gov is the key, accountable and answerable to each who are free !

If we do then this Christmas of two thousand and eight, will be one in which we the people do great.

In keeping our land from the socialist bug, and fighting for freedom in this land that we love.

Telling this guy who thinks he's the light, Merry Christmas to all, and our country's still RIGHT!!

Ken Taylor


Blogger Gayle said...

I love it, Ken! :)

8:41 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger Gayle said...

By the way, tonight the Texas sky is very clear and the stars are awesome! I've been out just staring at the night sky. It sure gives one perspective and makes all earthly things - including politics - seem insignificant, and yet it somehow makes me feel we can get through anything... even Obama. :)

8:43 PM, December 07, 2008  
Blogger Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

The U.N. as a foreign policy guide????

Yikes; someone stop the world and let me off NOW!

Gee Ken, reads as if the hippies finally got there ...

Good posting...

10:43 PM, December 08, 2008  

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