The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Today is the South Carolina Republican Primary when our vote decides who will run against the chosen Democrat candidates in the November General Election. I will be heading to the polls to vote and following are the candidates I am supporting.
Nikki Haley who was thought months ago to have no chance in winning the Primary much less the Governor's seat has surged into the lead. She has had my support since last summer and will receive my vote at the polls today. She is a strong fiscal and social conservative who believes in limiting government and will be a Governor for the people. She has taken strong unwavering stands against Obamacare. She fought as a state legislator to stop South Carolina from taking ANY of Obama's stimulus money because she knew that it would be damaging for our state and when federal funds ran out the programs paid for by the stimulus would become a state liability.

She has been part of and participated in Tea Party events throughout the state and understands the anger of not only South Carolinians over the direction our country is taking, but Americans from other states who are angered by the Obama agenda. Nikki is a strong Constitutionalist who believes in the Tenth Amendment and that Washington has no business in South Carolina policy or politics. I encourage each of you to cast your vote today for Nikki Haley and then again in November so that this staunch conservative, mother, soldiers wife and concerned resident of our state will become our next Governor providing conservative leadership in Columbia for the people of South Carolina.
Living near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina places me in Congressional District 1 which has been served by Congressman Henry Brown who is retiring. Many candidates have come forward claiming to be strong conservatives but in my opinion only one has proven his excellent conservative credentials and that is Tim Scott.

When Obamacare was passing Congress, Tim did not just come out against the unconstitutional legislation but presented state legislation in Columbia to keep South Carolinians from having to participate in Obama's debacle. Tim supports strong border security but more importantly enforcing existing laws which prevent illegal immigration. Tim understands that we are at war against terrorists and that the only course of action is that which leads to victory over terrorism and protecting our Nation whatever it takes. Tim will stand for our Republic and our Constitution as our Founders intended.

Tim Scott, strong conservative representation that will make our voice heard in Washington bringing conservative values and ideals to Congress. I encourage residents of South Carolina District 1 to cast your vote as I will for a true conservative who will represent us as a man of the people, Tim Scott.
South Carolina's only true conservative Senator, Jim DeMint is facing a primary challenge today. Not only has Senator DeMint been an excellent Representative for the state of South Carolina in The United States Senate, he has been almost a lone conservative voice on every issue that we are facing as a Nation.

At every opportunity Senator DeMint has challenged from a Constitutional stand point the Obama agenda and continues to take a strong stand against this agenda which is moving our Nation away from the free Republic that our Founders intended. When many in the GOP have caved Senator DeMint has stayed steadfast in proclaiming strong conservative Constitutional values and principles and has earned my vote in his re-election bid.

Ken Taylor


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