The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Most Americans are tired of Afghanistan and the war our best and bravest have fought successfully to destroy Al Qaeda and defeat the entity that protected them for years, the Taliban. Our troops deserve high praise for the magnificent job they have done to rid the world of terrorism and those who have supported it like the Taliban. One would think that the Commander in Chief of The United States would also appreciate the job our troops have done and the sacrifices they have made.

Most CIC's would but not Barack Obama.  Little has been told in the news about the new plan and agenda that the Obama administration as the behest of Obama himself has undertaken in Afghanistan.  Not only has the administration been negotiating with the very same Taliban that out troops have been fighting to defeat for ten years, but the new plan as adopted in those negotiations gives MOST of the country back the very same Taliban that our troops have fought.

In deep under the radar negotiations the Obama administration has agreed to accept the terms of the Taliban which gives control of the majority of the security forces that WE HAVE TRAINED over to the Taliban in the majority of the country. Additionally as part of the deal the Taliban insisted on the release of dozens of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists being held a GITMO in Cuba. Not only was this agreed to but they have already been returned to Afghanistan while our troops are still in country giving them the chance to kill our best and bravest who captured these terrorist thugs in the first place.

We are seeing the results of Obama's appeasement policy with Islam throughout the Middle East.  Obama has provided $1.2 BILLION dollars in aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, a known radical Islamic group who has called for the destruction of Israel and are now in power in Egypt thanks to the Obama administration.  This same group ruling the Egyptian government is now negotiating and working with Iran who also calls for the destruction of Israel and is soon to be a nuclear threat.

As America remembered the terrible events that took place on September 11, 2001 when our Nation was attacked by Al Qaeda, Islamic radicals whose beginnings can be traced back to the Muslim Brotherhood members of that same Muslim Brotherhood stormed our Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and ripped down our flag spitting in the face of our people and our Nation.  Yet Barack Obama supports this group and provides billions in tax payer funded financial aid.

The official administration response to the attack on our Embassy in Cairo was to apologize to the attackers and appease their, "cause."  At the same time radical Islamic set fire to our Consulate in Libya whose government also has been taken over by radicals Muslims supported by Obama. The attackers also killed an American official in the Consulate. The official Obama response was silence.

Adding insult to injury Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting The United States next week to discuss the continuing threat Iran is posing though its nuclear program. He requested a meeting with Obama for that purpose and was informed that Obama did not have time to meet him. Yet he scheduled a segment on the Letterman Show next week which he found time for.

HOW CAN ANYONE STILL VOTE for this danger to out country, our security and who we are as Americans?  In less than 60 days we will chose the path our Nation takes for the future. We can vote to continue the destructive path Obama has us on both through a weak foreign policy that endangers our country and our people and a financial agenda that will bankrupt our Nation within two years if Obama is reelected. Or we can chose a future that will restore fiscal sanity, restore our strength and respect in the world and protect Americans rather than appeasing our enemies by choosing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. The choice is clear a strong Constitutional America with Romney/Ryan or the destruction of our Nation and our people with Obama/Biden.

Ken Taylor


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